What is Neville’s last name?

What position does Harry play on the Quidditch team?

Who is Harry’s Godfather?

What is the name of Hagrid’s half-brother?

What is the name of Harry’s cousin whom he lives with?

Who is the head of Gryffindor House?

What school did Harry Potter attend?

What is Luna's Last name?

What is the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl?

What is Harry Potter’s middle name?

How many children do the Weasley’s have?

Which of Ronald Weasley’s brothers studies dragons in Romania?

What is the name of Harry Potter’s mother?

What is the name of Harry Potter’s father?

How old was Harry Potter when he entered his first year at school?

What is the name of the actor who plays the character of Harry Potter in the movie series?

What is the real name of the character who’s nickname was “Moony”?

What form does Harry’s Patronus take?

Which of Hermione Granger’s parents could perform magic?